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di_kezio 8:27 Thu Jan 29
LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Last night West Ham hosted the first meeting of the LGBT fan group at the Boleyn.

It was interesting to hear everyone's views on whether bars at the OS should stock Zinfandel or Grenache Rosé, and it's great to finally get the wording right on the petition to switch back to 80's style shorts.

Would be great for an increased turnout at the next one. WHOMail for details.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

After8 4:06 Sat Jan 31
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Sold there's some ugly tennis players, Murray for a start.

Coffee 10:19 Sat Jan 31
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
di_kezio 11:50 Fri Jan 30

That was good!

The Dursley Massive 10:05 Sat Jan 31
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Di_kezio has always been my favourite WHO homosexual.

Excluding The Bummer of course.

NHD 8:30 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Can anyone join or do you have to be a shunter?

SnarestoneIron 7:57 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
David L 8:37 Thu Jan 29
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons

It's like the fucking Black Police Officers Association...they're supposed to be policing discrimination, but then create their own discriminating association! Ahh, but their rules allow non blacks to join if they so wish, so it's ok!

goose 4:08 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
so if i cant see the importance it's my issue?? why is it not your issue for thinking it's the role of an employer to spend shareholders money on what is really a piss-up and hook-up night for the LGBT workers??

and as for any young female lesbian hammers fans - i think they might bump into one or two random blokes at football maybe?? no different to everyday life. why should they segregate themselves??

Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Goose you know your workplace not me Im self employed there was a thread about my job a few weeks back btw.

If you can't see the benefit of the LGBT folks being able to socialize and know each other on their own thats your own issue.

Sold wouldn't your cross dressing mate who had a sex conversion be disappointed in your comments?

As for something like our WHU fan group I would hope something like this thread encourages a young gay or lesbian fan to pop along and meet some other Hammers. Im pretty certain a teenage female fan who prefers girls wouldn't want to go meet some random blokes but might be interested in something like this.

Northern Sold 11:52 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons

Errr... nope... probably get a load of the tennis bumpers coming over to watch him and Becks... never had all that in the 70's... I mean would you come to watch Ron Harris and Tommy Smith take their shirts off ??

di_kezio 11:50 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Leonard Hatred 1:55 Fri Jan 30

Did I send you a CD? I forgot about that! I've moved away from folk now. There's no money to be made from those folkies!

The new stuff: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jQB5fQu7jZk

goose 11:22 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
you appear to be the one having a diva strop, are you sure you aint a member??

why should a place of work faciliate (and fund) their dating network??

Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons

goose 10:35 Fri Jan 30

Stop being such a fucking diva you just said its drinks once a month even if its called a support group. Helps folks date/meet. The gay employees want their own drinks for plenty of reasons ie don't want to get chatted up for dates by opposite gender coworkers or asked where their husband/wife is.

Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Soldo is there any difference between Nadal and Christiano Ronaldo? Both are as metero as they come.

RomfordHammer94 10:45 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
this is the rhythm of the nite. the nite. oh yh, the rhythm of ma life. la la la la la la la




goose 10:35 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
from what i've heard they just arrange drinks once every few months. the group is just a large dating agency for the LBGT employees.

there are many gay people where i work so i'm not sure why they need a support group.

Eddie B 10:33 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
One pink pound.

Johnson 10:31 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
How much does it cost you a month Eddie?

Eddie B 10:30 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
My company has a LGBT support group. Fucking pathetic.

goose 10:27 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
there are two 'minority' groups at where i work. One is called the ABC group which stands for African, Black British and Carribean. The other one is 'out at tesco' which is the LBGT group.

Eddie B 10:24 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Why on earth should gay people have their own WHU group? You don't see black WHU fans doing that, or female, or gingers.

Coffee 10:23 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Mr. Burns 1:24 Fri Jan 30

That's nonsense. There was a very good HARDtalk programme the other day with a gay American player called Robbie Rogers. The fellow comes across as very normal, very decent and really quite brave for coming out. Well worth a watch:

Having said that, I don't see why gays need their own supporters group and, further, why the club should host that group's meeting. You can understand supporters clubs being formed on the basis of location (e.g. Dutch, Scandinavian), but what is the point of a gay supporters club? What's next - a vegetarian supporters club?

Swiss. 10:19 Fri Jan 30
Re: LGBT fan group - Pride of Irons
Zinfandel is the worst wine I have ever tasted.

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